IQ / Gifted Assessment

What is Gifted?

It is developmental advancement that can be observed in early childhood. Although the term gifted is used to include many kinds of strengths, there are a few broad areas in which gifted can show itself. They are intellectual ability, leadership ability, talent in art and music, and psychomotor ability. However, the gifted child may not develop or advance equally in all areas.

The damage we do to gifted children / teenagers and adults by ignoring their unique characteristics could be far greater than the damage we do by labeling it.

"Hide not your talents, they for use were made, what's a sundial in the shade?"

How Will My Child Benefit from Gifted Assessment?

All children with advanced development require comprehensive diagnosis and early intervention in order to develop all of their capabilities. This is the primary purpose of gifted testing rather than simply to obtain a numerical score. Gifted and/or ability testing may qualify your intellectually gifted child for special programmes, educational provisions such as subject acceleration / grade skipping or personalised academic coaching for the twice-exceptional learner.

Accurate assessment of your child’s developmental advancement that is based on professional clinical judgement by Registered Psychologists  who are experienced in testing the gifted is the best way of determining the full strength of a gifted child’s abilities objectively.

Since 2006, many of our clients have been admitted into gifted and talented schools / programmes worldwide in Australia, India, Hong Kong, Singapore and the United States, including MENSA, Stanford University’s Education Program for Gifted Youth, John Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth and Singapore’s Gifted Education Programme.

Some Characteristics of Intellectual Gifted
  • Shows exceptional ability in a single area but not necessarily in others.
  • Has an ability to relate to a broad range of ideas and synthesise commonalities
  • Has a high degree of ability to think abstractly which develops early.
  • Grasps concepts and sees relationships at an extraordinary speed.
  • Displays a keen sense of curiosity and highly inquisitive.
  • Possesses an unusual capacity for memory.
  • Displays intense concentration when engaged in a task.
  • Has a fascination with ideas and words and shows intolerance for vagueness.
  • Uses an extensive vocabulary and expresses himself/herself well.
  • Shows a sensitivity to the feelings of others and a strong sense of right and wrong.
  • Is acutely aware of his/her own ability and shows a keen awareness of world issues.
Gifted Assessment:

Gifted Assessment is only carried out by experienced Registered Psychologists according to International Standards, for children from 2 years of age, inclusive of an internationally-recognised psychological report that is widely accepted by MENSA, local and international schools as well as  medical and healthcare professionals. The report includes personalised recommendations for your child to realise his/her potential for school and life success.

Assessment Fees: From SGD800 onwards

For Appointment and Enquiries

Consultations are strictly by appointment only.